
I know every single business you've ever given your information to has emailed you about how they are handling COVID-19, but since we are coming into your homes, we would like to share our plans and ask for your help as well.

We are still in business and would be happy to continue to clean your home or fit your home into our schedule as soon as possible. In fact, we are in a position to hire a few other highly qualified workers from other industries who are shut down to help if we become overwhelmed with appointment requests.


We believe that the real danger lies somewhere between the dismissal and the hype. Since knowing where that is can be difficult, we are taking a few preventative measures and have a few that we’d appreciate you take as well.

Changes we are making:

  • While we typically use a client’s supplies for regular cleaning, each Housewife is being provided gloves and Clorox wipes, to be used at their own discretion. They are encouraged to wipe down "high touch areas" such as door handles, appliance handles, light switches, door jambs, etc. especially while entering and leaving a home.

  • As always, if an employee is sick, they will call and let me know ASAP. We will not send someone who is ill to your home. We will attempt to find someone to come in their place, but this may or may not be possible.

Changes you can help with:

  • Please refrain from any physical contact with your Housewife. I hug clients all the time, and this is a hard one to stop... but it just isn't safe.

  • Second, please ask all family members to limit their activities to an area where your Housewife is not cleaning. (Maybe everyone is upstairs while she's downstairs and then you switch. What works will be different for everyone, but we want to maintain as much social distance as possible from everyone in the household.)

  • While we understand and respect that some of you choose not to use chemical cleaners in your home, please note that the disinfectant wipes I am providing Housewives are chemical cleaners. If you have a different preference, please let Customer Service know what you will be providing in it’s place. Cleaning high-touch areas is a VERY important part of what we’ll do over the next couple of weeks.

Lastly, and most importantly for everyone, the majority of the people who get this, will not know they have it when they pass it on. Protective measures to keep yourself from getting it will only go so far. The best course of action is to pretend you already have it and do things you would to keep others from getting it from you. If everyone did this, this would pass much more quickly than it will with everyone concerned (or unconcerned) only about themselves.

Praying for all of us in this time. Please reach out if there is anything we can do to help you.


Kindall Reuschel
Owner, Hire A Housewife