How to Know if You Are a Good Mom

So how do you know if you are a bad mom?

This can be a tricky question for some people. I could give long, winding answers about things a good mom does or does not do. I could talk about how your kids dress for school. I could talk about how much of a balanced diet your child eats. I could talk about what time they go to bed and how long it takes them to get up in the morning... but none of those things are the deciding factor on whether or not you are a bad mom... I have that... Are you ready? Do you want to know?

Are you sure?

Are you waiting on the edge of your seat to find out?

If you answered "Yes!" when I asked if you wanted to know... here is your answer...

You are not a bad mom.

Only good moms would read the title of this blog post and then stick around to read the rest.

Only good moms care enough to keep reading to find out if they are good moms.
You are not perfect. You may make mistakes. Your SuperMom cape might have gone missing in the piles of laundry a long time ago. None of that matters...

You care. That is what matters.

As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you; and you will be comforted over Jerusalem. Isaiah 66:13