Stealing the Show...

Two of my girls and I went to Winter Jam this year to see performances by Toby Mac and Matthew West, among others. Toby talked about his new song "Steal My Show" and how his son was confused about what it meant and why any artist would want his show stolen...

The song itself is specifically about Toby Mac and going on stage and how people don't come to see him... they come to feel God's presence. He tells God...

 "If you want to steal my show,
I'll sit back and watch you go.
If you've got something to say 
Go on and take it away.
Need you to steal my show 
Can't wait to watch you go-oh-oh-oh 
So come on and take it away!*" 

Toby Mac even says I need you to steal my show, Can't wait to watch you go... He knows that without God, he nothing...

As I met with some mentors from the Small Business Association last week, they asked me a lot of questions. I went in looking for advice on how make sure that I run this business in a legal and responsible manner... and they were very helpful. But one of the questions I was asked was about goals. 

"How much money do you want to make? How much is too much? Is there such a thing?"

And my first thought was, "Money? Like, a specific number? What does that have to do with anything?" When I didn't have a good answer, the mentor told me it was something to think about, so that I could set goals. 

I have been thinking about it, and it's funny. I figured out why I was baffled by that question. 

Sure, I would like enough personal income to get a used van that isn't falling apart. I would like to live in a place where I feel safe and where everyone has a bedroom (even if they have to share)... maybe even buy a house again someday. I would like to pay bills without worrying that a check is going to bounce before the next deposit makes it in the account... But however the business works out... I know that God will provide for my family and me.

So, what are my goals for this business? I want to help individuals and families. I want this business to be known as one that brings JOY with us when we come. I want every part of this to be done as if it were for Him. I want His glory to shine through everything else...

I want Him to steal my show...

*Steal My Show, By Toby Mac can be found on his album "Eye On It" and is often played on 91.5 WCIC FM... Family Friendly Radio