Love Where You Live

What is your "why"?

Have you ever done something that you thought was going to be great that didn't go as planned? The end result wasn't what you had hoped for. Or, maybe you just realized you just didn't like doing it. There is a good chance that it is just something that doesn't support your "why" ... your purpose.

As the owner of a small business, others often suggest services we could or should offer in addition to what we do currently. Some of the ideas are great and I do consider them. But, what always makes my decision for me is the answer to this question...

Does this service support our "why"?

Hire A Housewife exists to make a positive difference in people's lives through both our services and our personal connections in ways that other companies can not.

I knew from the beginning that we could do that through cleaning, organizing, running errands, and taking care of other things for clients in order for them to spend their time the way they want to spend it.

Along the way I've shared my story and other encouragement with our clients and really anyone who
would listen, hoping to continue to make that difference.

Late last year I realized that we could also make a positive impact on lives by giving others lessons on cleaning and organizing. This is why I started the "Love Where You Live" program.

This past month I took on a new project. It was something we had never done before. But I was more than willing to try because I knew it would help a good friend. So, Hire A Housewife sorted through several generations of items, decided what should be donated, what should be sold, and what the family might want to keep. Then we ran our first estate sale.

We learned a lot from that sale. The number one thing we learned? Hire A Housewife doesn't run estate sales. Setting up tables, researching, determining monetary value, pricing, and holding a sale... just didn't go well for us.

If you ask the client, she will say nothing but good things about what we did. We made a huge impact for her family. And yet, by the time we were done, I knew it was something I wouldn't do again. The answer why was quickly obvious to me. There are many estate sale companies in the area. That isn't the part of it that made the impact.

Estate sales don't support our "why," but a part of what we did for them does... 

Photo taken by Clifford Braden during WWII
What treasure might be hiding in your family's home?
It was the careful sorting through boxes that would have likely ended up in the trash, pulling out things of value, sentimental as well as monetary.

It was saving WWII memorabilia from a grandfather and uncle so that they could be treasured by family.

It was contacting a friend with the Peoria Historical Society and, with the family's permission, taking all the snapshots from that family member's time at war to be digitally archived and preserved before returning them to the family.

It was hugging my friend through her tears as she saw the progress and realized what they might have lost had we not sorted through everything in the house.

A positive impact, on an entire family, that will be felt for generations. 
That is definitely part of our why.

So in addition to asking you what your "why" is today, I want to let you know that if you have a project that you don't have the time or energy for (emotional or physical either one!) give us a call and let us help you out.

You get the best results from someone when the service they are performing supports their why.

So, here's the question... we've told you ours. What is YOUR why?

God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. 
Use them well to serve one another.
~1 Peter 4:10

Stop believing the lies

I wrote a very long comment on WCIC's blog post about decluttering and then realized that I should turn it into a post of my own. Here it is, slightly edited.

Every week I meet new overwhelmed clients who have hired me to walk through their home with them and teach them how to conquer their clutter. I break everything down for them into baby steps and teach them how to get through it themselves.
Every time, I learn the build-up has much less to do with the stuff... and much more to do with
what's going on inside the person I'm there to help. 
Decluttering is amazingly freeing, but you will need to do it all again and again if you don't figure out your whys. In business, your "why" is the reason you do what you do. In clutter, your whys are the lies you tell yourself to make you think keeping the stuff is worth it.

Have you heard some of these before?
I should get rid of this but...
... it was so expensive it would be wasteful to get rid of it.
... someone else might be able to use it.
... I might need it again someday.
... my friend who gave it to me would be upset if she knew I didn't keep it.
And those are just the little lies.
Underlying those are much bigger lies... many of which we don't even realize we believe.

God isn't really my provider.
         (If He was, why would you save so much for "just in case?")
This is how I've always lived. I can't change.
          (How many times a week do you say that to yourself?)
We can't have nice things.
          (If you believe that, you'll make sure it's true.)

I could do a whole book on the lies we tell ourselves if I got started!

The power of life and death is in the tongue and faith comes by hearing. Put those verses together and it tells you that faith is voice activated! What you hear yourself say, you will believe. Say these things to yourself out loud today any time you think about any of those lies:

     I can learn to be organized. I don't need so much stuff.

     I deserve to live with the peace of mind that comes from a clean and organized house.

     God is my provider and I don't need to fret about what I may or may not need in the future.

     God is going to use my decluttering to bless others!

Not sure how that last one is possible? Read on...
As I was helping a client a few months ago through our "Love Where You Live" program, we came across a stack of pants. Brand new, with tags, in a size that the client never intends to wear again and is not a common size to begin with.
There were a lot of lies she could have told herself to make herself keep them. "They were expensive, maybe it isn't too late to return them." or "I might come across someone who can use them." or any number of others.
Instead she chose to donate them, along with a lot of other clothes. As I was driving the bags to Redeemer Lutheran to donate to Single Mom's Morning Out, I remembered the pants and started to tear up. It just hit me.
I don't know what single mom out there needed nice work slacks in a size 18 Tall, but God had already provided them and she had no idea that they were waiting for her that morning. Because one person didn't believe the lies, another person received a blessing.

Stop believing the lies that are holding you back!
You CAN Love Where You Live!

As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.
~Proverbs 23:7

Love Where You Live Updates and Giveaway!

Since the Love Where You Live program was introduced earlier this year, some changes and updates have been implemented. Here is a rundown of how it works, followed by a giveaway offer!

Love Where You Live helps you get your home more organized and keep it that way! We are already helping people in the area make progress with their homes!

With Love Where You Live, Hire A Housewife owner, Kindall Nelson, helps you learn how to break down organizing your house into manageable steps.

Here is her description of how the program works:

When I come for your first 90-minute appointment, I'll be ready for a complete walk-through of the house to determine what needs to be done and how the work should be prioritized. As we walk through, I take both notes and "before" pictures. If there is enough time left, I will help you tackle a project while I am there. We will discuss goals and strategies for the week, and I will give you homework to complete before our next appointment.

When I return the second week, it will be with a binder that has been created with your home's plan in mind. We will discuss wins and losses for the week and also tackle a project together to help give your motivation a boost into the next week.

If there is a specific project that you need done but don't want to do yourself, we can discuss having my staff or I do that separately from our regularly scheduled appointments.

I will also haul away, or arrange to have hauled away, anything you have marked for donation during the week.

There is a minimum commitment of 4 weeks, which comes to $240.
($60 per 90 minute appointment)

Please know that while Hire A Housewife is always dedicated to guilt-free, judgement-free cleaning and organizing, this does take a commitment on your part to participate. I work hard to give you strategies that fit your life. But if you don't follow those strategies, things will not change.

I want to make a difference for you!

Now for the giveaway...

Are you ready to make some changes in your home?
Do you need someone to give you strategies and hold you accountable for those changes?

Tell me in 300 words or less why you would benefit from our Love Where You Live program and send  a couple of photos (they will not be shared) of some example areas where you would like help.
I also need your name, address, and phone number.

I will be choosing someone I believe will be committed to the program to receive 4 (FOUR) Love Where You Live appointments with me, and will announce the winner on May 16th!
with the Subject: Love Where You Live Giveaway

Love Where You Live

How long has it been since you've had someone in your home?
Do your friends feel welcome to stop by whenever they want?
Does the thought of someone doing that cause a little bit of panic to set in...
      maybe more than a little bit of panic?

I'm sure you've probably had these thoughts before...

When its warmer outside...
When we get a bigger house...
When the kids are old enough to help pick up...
When my oldest leaves for college...

THEN I'll get this place organized.

The good news I have for you is this... You can do it NOW and I want to help.

I've said many times that I am perfectly happy if I can help others get the home they want without ever using our service. That is true. I will give you tips and tricks all day long if they will help, but what most of us need is a plan of action and some accountability. That's what I am presenting here today.

With Hire A Housewife's new LOVE WHERE YOU LIVE service, I will help you decide what needs to be done, break it down into small steps, and walk you through the process, holding you accountable each step of the way.

You've heard of a life-coach before? Think of this as life-coaching for your home. The end goal is not for you to continue to use our services, it is for you to be able to keep up with your home yourself!

How does it work?

At your initial appointment, I come in and do a walk-through of your home.
(Don't panic! I am coming to help, not judge!)

I will take a look at each room in the house and make a detailed list of things that need to be taken care of at some point. I will also take "before" photos that will not be shared with anyone but you without your written permission.

Lastly, I will give you a small amount of homework to get done before I come back.

At your second appointment, I will present you with a personalized binder to help guide you through the steps. We'll talk about your strategies and then tackle a project together.

I will return weekly or bi-weekly for one-two hours to help you continue to move towards your goal.

Additional options: 

     * Scheduled text messages and/or email reminders.
     * Phone consultation between appointments for encouragement or advice.
     * Hire A Housewife services to help you reach your goals more quickly.

Why you need this:
     I am not going to pull any punches.    
     I am not afraid to ask you the tough questions. 
     I am not afraid to tell you that it is time to throw something away.
     I have no problem loading up the things you decide to donate 
          and driving them to Mission Mart (or your preferred donation center) for donation.
     If you follow the plans laid out for you, you will regain control of your home and
          it will become a place that you love.


First, 90-minute appointment 
& binder creation:                                        $ 100

Following Appointments:                            $ 40 per hour, 90 minute minimum

Text and/or email reminders:                       $ 5 per week

Phone consultations:                                    $ 10 (approximately 15 minutes)

Minimum charge to start this service is $280. 
This includes the first session and three follow-up sessions. 
Payment can be made via check or cash at the time of the first appointment with Kindall, or via PayPal to [email protected]

Hire A Housewife owner, Kindall Nelson, is the only Love Where You Live specialist at this time. Space is limited, so to avoid being put on a waiting list, contact us now! There is current availability on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays.

Feel free to leave questions in the comments here or on Facebook page link. 
I look forward to helping you Love Where You Live!