
Three steps to more housework help and less stress

I'm going to share a secret with you today.

I don't know why it is a secret... but it seems to be.

Are you tired of never having anyone want to help you with the housework?

Are you frustrated with the lack of attention to detail your family members have when they do help?

I know all too well that feeling I get in the pit of my stomach when I see a child of mine folding towels. It seems very similar to the feeling a friend of mine gets when she sees her husband loading the dishwasher.

We've told them how time and again, and yet they still won't do it right! WHY!?!

There is a solution to this. It's a simple one, although it is more difficult than it sounds.

Are you ready? Here it is...

Step ONE... Stop it.

No, really. That's all. Stop it.

Stop caring how your kids fold the towels. Stop caring how the dishes get loaded into the dishwasher.
Stop griping and mumbling and complaining about how you are the only one who ever does anything the right way at this house.

You have a life, and a busy one at that. There will be time for perfectly folded towels and hand washed dishes when you don't have kids around anymore. Whatever gets done now, however wrong you think it is... is still a blessing to your family!

I Corinthians 13:1 says "If you have all these things, but you have not love, you are only a clanging cymbal."  When you complain, nobody says, "I need to learn how to do this better." They say, "She is so picky. There is no pleasing her, so I'm going to try half as hard next time."

Learning not to care is easier said than done, but it does work. Nobody at my house complains about folding towels anymore... and as they've done it more, they've gotten better at it!

Step TWO... Be appreciative.

Yes, I know it is their house too and they are contributing as part of the team... but appreciation is one of the best forms of encouragement. Whether it be your husband, your child, or a helpful extended family member or friend, say "Thank you!" and mean it!

There are lots of ways to be appreciative. Have you told your husband lately how sexy he looks running the vacuum cleaner? Have you finished a round of chores as a family, looked at the kids and said, "You know what? I think we all deserve some ice cream!" even though they fought you all the way through? Stick to the positive reinforcement. It makes a difference!

Step THREE... Call us.

Oh, come on... you had to know that one was coming, right? If the first two don't work for you, the last one will absolutely do the trick. Hire A Housewife is here to do all the things you want done and want done correctly. That might mean dusting and vacuuming or it might mean laundry or dishes. Maybe you'll want someone to sweep out the garage or get dinner started one night a week. Or, maybe, you crave streak-free windows... Whatever it is, we'll handle it.

If we don't hear from you, we'll assume the first two worked. :-)

Stop believing the lies

I wrote a very long comment on WCIC's blog post about decluttering and then realized that I should turn it into a post of my own. Here it is, slightly edited.

Every week I meet new overwhelmed clients who have hired me to walk through their home with them and teach them how to conquer their clutter. I break everything down for them into baby steps and teach them how to get through it themselves.
Every time, I learn the build-up has much less to do with the stuff... and much more to do with
what's going on inside the person I'm there to help. 
Decluttering is amazingly freeing, but you will need to do it all again and again if you don't figure out your whys. In business, your "why" is the reason you do what you do. In clutter, your whys are the lies you tell yourself to make you think keeping the stuff is worth it.

Have you heard some of these before?
I should get rid of this but...
... it was so expensive it would be wasteful to get rid of it.
... someone else might be able to use it.
... I might need it again someday.
... my friend who gave it to me would be upset if she knew I didn't keep it.
And those are just the little lies.
Underlying those are much bigger lies... many of which we don't even realize we believe.

God isn't really my provider.
         (If He was, why would you save so much for "just in case?")
This is how I've always lived. I can't change.
          (How many times a week do you say that to yourself?)
We can't have nice things.
          (If you believe that, you'll make sure it's true.)

I could do a whole book on the lies we tell ourselves if I got started!

The power of life and death is in the tongue and faith comes by hearing. Put those verses together and it tells you that faith is voice activated! What you hear yourself say, you will believe. Say these things to yourself out loud today any time you think about any of those lies:

     I can learn to be organized. I don't need so much stuff.

     I deserve to live with the peace of mind that comes from a clean and organized house.

     God is my provider and I don't need to fret about what I may or may not need in the future.

     God is going to use my decluttering to bless others!

Not sure how that last one is possible? Read on...
As I was helping a client a few months ago through our "Love Where You Live" program, we came across a stack of pants. Brand new, with tags, in a size that the client never intends to wear again and is not a common size to begin with.
There were a lot of lies she could have told herself to make herself keep them. "They were expensive, maybe it isn't too late to return them." or "I might come across someone who can use them." or any number of others.
Instead she chose to donate them, along with a lot of other clothes. As I was driving the bags to Redeemer Lutheran to donate to Single Mom's Morning Out, I remembered the pants and started to tear up. It just hit me.
I don't know what single mom out there needed nice work slacks in a size 18 Tall, but God had already provided them and she had no idea that they were waiting for her that morning. Because one person didn't believe the lies, another person received a blessing.

Stop believing the lies that are holding you back!
You CAN Love Where You Live!

As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.
~Proverbs 23:7

Why Choose Us?

There are a lot of cleaning services out there these days who want to help you out! 
Why should you choose ours?

Many people have started using Hire A Housewife because they heard the story of how we got started and they were moved by it. I so appreciate that and I look forward to continuing to share my story and everything else that God has done since!

However, I want you to STAY because you love the service!
(And if you don't love it, let us know right away so we can fix it!)

Hire A Housewife Benefits:
  • No judgement or guilt! We just want to help!
    • You NEVER have to worry that we will judge you based on what we see. We appreciate that you trust us enough to let us into your home to help.
    • We value you as a person. You aren’t just another client to us. We care about your family and how we can help you!
  • The same “housewife” each visit
    • One of the ways we make sure you are satisfied with our work is sending out the same employee each time. As she gets to know you and what you need, it will be a continually improving experience.
  • Flexible scheduling without a contract.
    • While we do have a standard cancellation policy, we never lock anyone into a contract. We want you to keep us coming back because you love the service!
  • Insured and Bonded
    • The risks of hiring someone who is uninsured are huge to you. Our employees are covered by a workman’s comp policy in case they are injured on the job. Anyone not covered by such a policy can sure your homeowner’s insurance if they are injured while working at your house.
    • Our liability policy covers items that are damaged by an employee’s carelessness. We hope to never have to use the policy, but isn’t it good to know it is there if something were to get broken?
  • Wide range of services
    • We don’t just clean, we will organize, do laundry, run errands, wash windows, walk the dog, clean the fridge… you name it!
    • You provide needed supplies and we do the work!
    • We do not give you a list of things we WON'T do! Just give us your list and let us get to work!
  • Great staff who care about YOU!
    • Everyone who works for Hire A Housewife undergoes a background check to ensure your safety and to let you know that we are trustworthy!
    • All housewives receive complete training. We want all of our employees to be able to give the same great service that was being given when it was just a company of one.

Thanks for taking the time to read! Please share it with your friends who are considering hiring help!

Have a blessed day!

(P.S. And YES! an update on the girls' room is coming!)

Tackling the girls' room (Days 1 & 2)

When the girls came home from their dad's house, I put them to work cleaning the floor and warned them not to touch anything else... They complied. Everything was sorted into bags and boxes like I asked.

The next step was cleaning out their dressers and shelves. They got part way through on the first night, but I soon discovered the drawers on the short dresser were full of junk. Ella's answer, "I don't want to keep clothes in my dresser." (Nice try.)

By late afternoon on Day 2 (after school Tuesday) they had almost finished cleaning out the dressers and shelves.

However, I had a meeting from 6:30-8:30 on Tuesday evening and I came home to find they had jumped ahead a few steps in the process. They were going through all of the boxes that I told them not to touch without my permission.

They put most of it back, but the stacks themselves are much less organized now.
I also found a Build-A-Bear rescue had been initiated, their newest stuffed animals pulled from the garbage bags, now laying on the bed.

So what is the next step?

One bag/box/tote at a time everything from their floor is being washed, dried and put in the living room on the couch. I don't want any mass decisions made about anything. We will touch each piece of clothing and decide if it is a keep, donate, or trash item... as well as who it belongs to. You wouldn't believe how many times I said to myself when I was picking up the clothes originally, "Hey! I wondered were that shirt went..."

We probably have 4 or 5 loads to go today... and there is household laundry mixed up in this... but before I let them touch anything else on the broken bunk bed, we will decide where every piece of clothing goes. I have a feeling that will be a battle in itself. I have yard waste bags waiting to be filled to be dropped off at Mission Mart.

Even for 5 people, we have a lot of clothes to go through.

This might take awhile... 

Learning Experience

People often ask, "How long have you been in business?"

My standard answer is May, 2012. I'm also quick to point out that I didn't know I was starting a business at that point. I was almost an entire year in before I realized what God had created. In these last 26 months, I have learned more than I ever imagined and I am so thankful for all that God has done. As with any learning experience, knowledge brings some changes. While there are many in the future, here are a few that are happening right now.

HaH Rates
I'm going to be honest here (as I always am!) and share that I have now learned how expensive it is to have employees! Besides the cost of their salaries and the employer taxes associated with them, my employees are covered with General Liability insurance, Bonding insurance, Unemployment insurance, and Workers' Comp insurance.

Because of these things, new customers will be charged $18per hour beginning August 1st, 2014. If you are already a regular customer at that point, we will continue to serve you at our current rate for now, and that won't change in the future without 30 days' written notice.

Employees and Training
Another thing I've learned about having employees is that I can't make all of them care about the business as much as I do. I tell them all at interviews that if they are only in this for the paycheck, they will probably not last very long at this job. You have to love serving others.

I have made several personnel changes and am in the midst of revamping our training processes yet again. It is important to me that all of our customers are more than satisfied with the service they receive from Hire A Housewife.

Answering Your Questions
What else have I learned? Personally, I have learned how much I love connecting with people. I love being able to help others on many levels. One way I'd like to be able to do more of that is through the Hire A Housewife blog posts. 

As I've said before, like any good housewife I have an opinion on just about everything.... I'd like to share it with you if you are interested in hearing it.

So, I want to know what you want to know! Give me something to post about! Have a question about gardening, cleaning, or organizing? Just ask! Maybe you want a recommendation for a good Bible study or have a question about raising children, or even owning a business... Send your question through the "CONTACT US" form on our website or through Facebook. 

If you are wondering something, then there is a pretty good chance that someone else is wondering too!

Have a blessed day and I look forward to hearing from you!

Bring joy to your home in just 15 minutes a day

What horrible, nasty, exhausting, awful things might you be willing to endure if you thought that the end result would bring something good into your life? REALLY... Think about this!

I don't know about you, but I didn't think childbirth was that fun. At least none of mine were! But, you know, I kinda liked that ending part where they handed me a baby!

What about exercise? Well, if I could quit the second I felt too tired and still get the benefits... but I can't... so that goes in the "not fun" category as well. Now, 70lbs lighter than when I started, I'm pretty happy with the benefits.

Today my pastor posted a picture of himself in our church dumpster after he had to go in to look for something thrown away by accident! Unplanned dumpster diving? Yuck! But what was lost has been recovered. :-)

(Thanks for some inspiration Pastor Chuck!)

But what if I told you that if you were willing to endure something that is likely not as bad as any of those things for a small amount of time... it could drastically improve your home? I'm serious.

You have one of those in your home, right? Just about everyone does. If not, you likely have something similar. Microwave timer, cell phone timer, neighborhood dog that barks every five minutes? Surely everyone has something...

What if I told you that this timer could solve a large portion of your clutter problems?

It can.

And it doesn't have to be difficult either. Are you ready for this amazing, mind-blowing plan?

Pick a spot in your home that has been overwhelmed with clutter. Maybe it is a bookshelf. Maybe it is a closet. Maybe you have an entire guest room full of stuff that you have been intending to deal with "later."

Set your timer for 15 minutes.

Get to work.

What!?! There is no magic involved? There is no secret trick?

No. You actually have to go through it and decide to trash, recycle, donate, or keep everything you touch. But don't get discouraged, because while thinking about that mess, you might have forgotten something.

You only set the timer for 15 minutes.

So what are you supposed to do when it goes off? Whatever you want. Drop what you are cleaning/organizing/sorting and walk away. Don't touch it again today.

I know that your initial reaction is going to be, "But Kindall, how is that going to help?" I know you are already rolling your eyes about this plan. I know that the amount of work that needs to be done in the space you were thinking about is enormous compared to the amount of time I told you to spend there. Think about it like this... at the end of a week, at 15 minutes a day, how much time have you spent on your problem?

Almost two full hours.

Before you put this plan into place, how much time had you spent on that problem in the last month?

Imagine, tackling project after project in just 15 minutes a day until your house is clutter-free?

Now, is it likely that you can keep your entire home clean with just 15 minutes of work a day? Probably not. But so often, it isn't the daily housework that gets us bogged down. It is the clutter that has built up over time, or the boxes that were all moved in at once and never opened again that make us sign when we catch a glimpse of them.

So, if I am running a business that specializes in organizing and cleaning, among other things, why would I tell you this instead of just telling you to hire us and let us handle it for you?

I shared this because what I care about most is bringing JOY into your home. Of course we will come in and clean and organize and do anything you'd like done! But I want you to know that, even if hiring help is out of budget for you right now, there is hope! 

Given the right tools, you can do this!
Today, the right tool is this...

 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.
 Each day has enough trouble of its own.  Matthew 6:34

 For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. 2 Timothy 1:7

Nothing Says "I Love You" Like...

I'll be honest here, I have a weak stomach. Many of my friends can attest to their own giggle fits while they say things that make me gag... sometimes even running to the next room with my hands covering my ears and humming loudly so I can't hear or think about what they are saying... so I'm trying to sensitive to the fact that others might be too...

I tried to look up appropriate euphemisms  for this topic... bad idea. So, don't worry... just keep reading... you'll get the idea.

You know that helpless feeling you have when someone you love is sick? I don't mean with the sniffles... I mean the sickness... cramps, nausea, um and you know... that comes with being pregnant... or having the stomach flu... or worse, chemo and radiation...

You just want to know what you can do to help, right?

I can tell you this: Sticking your head in the bathroom and asking "What can I do to help?" while someone is trying to fight nausea... is not the way to go.

There is one thing that you can do. I learned this lesson a long time ago, and have used it and shared it many times... always with great results.

Nothing says "I love you" like giving them the ability to do what they need to do in a CLEAN toilet. Seriously. That's it. That is the big secret.

I had terrible nausea with all four of my children. I even had to be hospitalized at one point with my son. There were times when I would be so sick that I would literally lay down on the bathroom floor after one wave passed to wait for the next one to come... and rumor has it, I'm not alone.

When my kids have the flu, the first thing I do is go scrub the toilet (and then pray they make it in there!)

P.S. Cleaning the inside is important! But don't forget to use a couple spritzes of Windex and wipe down the outside too!

Homemade Laundry Soap Powder

We all know that you can't have a blog in America today that is in anyway related to household matters and not include a recipe for Homemade Laundry Soap.

I'm guessing you are thinking one of three things...

1. Homemade laundry soap users are crazy. It's not worth the time/money/energy. Just buy it at the store.

2. Well OF COURSE I know how to make it... I wouldn't survive without it!

3. Oh yeah... I was going to try that once. I lost the recipe and haven't taken the time to look for it again.

This post is for you!

What you need:

Cheese grater (get a cheap one from the dollar store for just this purpose)
Large air tight container
Fels-Naptha bar soap (Found in the laundry section at your local store... try Kmart or Target if your grocery store doesn't have it.)
Washing soda

Nearly every recipe I've read has the amounts a little bit different for each ingredient. I made mine like this because If you don't like the amounts I have listed, mix in amounts that work better for you.

Grate one bar of Fels-Naptha laundry soap and mix it in the air-tight container with one 55oz box of Washing soda and half of a 72oz box Borax. (Save the other half for your next batch.)

Mix well and use a small scoop... a tablespoon or two for each load.

The lemony smell from the Fels-Naptha freshens any load of laundry... you will be amazed if you've never used it before.

 This is especially true if, like most busy people, you have a tendency to leave the laundry sitting for half a day before switching it to the dryer... it doesn't make the clothes mildew-proof... but you can rest assured that starting the washer before you head out to work with the intention of switching it after you get home will not leave you running the load a second time!

Have a blessed week!

Looking for a Job? Simple Mistakes Every Job Seeker Can Avoid

I'm not currently hiring, but I am always on the lookout for possible future employees... and like any good housewife I have an opinion of some sort on just about everything... :-)

I have seen so many mistakes made while people are inquiring about possibly working with Hire A Housewife. I can only assume that these mistakes are made while inquiring with other companies as well.

Pass this on to anyone you know who is looking for a job. Tiny mistakes can really cost a job seeker.

Who needs a job?

       If you are contacting me to see if I am willing to hire your husband, wife, son, daughter, cousin, uncle or grandma, consider this first... If I am going to let this person operate under my company name, go into people's homes and work with clients unsupervised, then wouldn't I want someone who is responsible enough to contact me and apply for the position on their own?

       On the flip side of this, if you are looking for a job, make sure you tell your friends and relatives not to talk to an employer about you until after you have applied (assuming you write them down as a reference.)

Have you used spell check?

       Consider every interaction you have with a possible future employer part of the interview. Misspelled or mis-formatted emails asking for information are not likely going to get the response that you desire. If a possible employee doesn't care enough to check their spelling and language usage, it is hard for an employer to imagine that they will care enough about the company to do the job well.

Have you followed directions?

       If the job posting says "No phone calls, please." or "Do not post on the company's Facebook wall." the person who posted the job made that request for a reason.

Are you clear about what you want?

       Earlier this week my phone rang. The person on the other end of the line said, "I need to know more about Hire A Housewife." After trying to figure out what she needed to know to no avail, I launched into my best sales pitch.When I was done she said she wanted to know about it "from the other side." and when I asked for more clarification, she said, "not to be a customer, I want to work for you."

       If she had been clear from the beginning of the call, or even if she had sent a well-worded email, I would have given her all of the information she needed within a few seconds. Instead she wasted my time and hers and I'm sure she was likely as frustrated at the end of the call as I was.

And last but not least... have you checked your settings?

^^^ Because, yeah... that happens. ^^^

I have learned the hard way that I can't explain to people what exactly they did to knock themselves out of the running for a job with Hire A Housewife. I am very sure that many of the people who I ruled out were just having a bad day or had something else going on. I understand! I'm hoping though, that by writing this, I can save a few of you some heartache during your job search.

P.S. One more important thing... Don't be late for the interview!

Let all that you do, be done in love... 1 Corinthians 16:14

Getting Rid of Lime Scale and Rust

Does this look familiar? 

There are three products that will take it off almost immediately... 
and they aren't the ones you are thinking about already! Better yet... they are under $3 each!

 Bar Keeper's Friend comes in a powder at most local stores. Get the surface wet, sprinkle this on and then use a wash cloth to wipe it off. It is that easy. There is a downside to this. Because it is a powder, it is really hard to spread on a vertical surface, like your shower door. Their website says that there is a liquid version... but I have yet to find it anywhere except online. 

This is "The Works" toilet bowl cleaner. This should only be used in a VERY well ventilated space or with a mask of some sort. Squirt this on the shower door and watch the lime scale run off. There is also an occasional "smoke" that rises from the product while it is working. I haven't figured out why it does this yet. This works great, but make sure that you wear gloves as it tends to irritate the skin, and don't inhale! It will leave you feeling breathless and coughing. 

This is my favorite of the three products. I call it "Lysol Black." It just sounds awesome, right?
This is the ONLY type of Lysol toilet bowl cleaner that will work. It has to be in the black bottle specially marked with "Lime & Rust Remover." This goes on more thickly than "The Works" and isn't as breathtaking if you accidentally forget to flip on the bathroom fan while you are using it. Still, don't use it without gloves. You will likely need to spread it on with a scrub brush or a wash cloth, but you will not have to do any actual scrubbing.

That's all it takes to clean your shower door and make it look almost like new!

It's Okay...

 It's Okay...

It's okay to mop the walls sometimes
It's alright to the vacuum the bed
But don't use anything for the toilet
That has other uses instead

It's okay to Windex the kitchen sink
It's alright to skip swiffering the floor
But it's always worth your time
To clean the glass front door

It's okay do what works sometimes
It's alright to get it done fast
Your babies need you with them today
And days like this won't last

Copyright 2013 Kindall Nelson

<vent>You know which wall I'm talking about... that wall behind the garbage can in your kitchen? I know you don't want to scrub yours any more than I want to scrub mine... WHY can't the kids get the trash IN THE CAN!?! </vent>

And this is what would necessitate vacuuming the bed....

I'm sure there is a post coming soon about the front door... a clean glass door is welcoming to friends and family and lets in sunlight. I'm stopping there or I'll write it now!

My point is this... do what you need to do to live comfortably and then spend the rest of your time loving your family. Helping others. Taking the kids (or grand kids) to the park. Praying. Doing things you love to do.

And when you realize that all of those things are more important to you than spending your time cleaning and organizing... call us! Let us do the not-so-fun stuff so that you can have fun!

She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. Proverbs 31:25