
Ready to Show Ready to Sell

One of the biggest pain points when it comes to selling your home is trying to keep it clean enough for showings while still living there. And, chances are, if you are trying to sell your home, you have other expenses that need to be taken care of besides paying for constant housekeeping.

Hire A Housewife wants to make the whole process easier with Ready to Show Ready to Sell

Clients of our Ready to Show Ready to Sell package will enjoy our guilt-free, high-quality, personalized service, packaged in a way to help them sell their home more quickly, with less stress.


Phase one of our Ready to Show Ready to Sell program is the Initial Deep Clean.

This is a complete clean of your home to ready it for listing.

When possible, we make this combine your preferences with your realtor's input for maximum effectiveness.

The cleaning includes everything from ceiling fans to baseboards.* If something is found that we missed in the first 24 hours after the cleaning, we will come back and fix it.

Phase two is the fun part! We take all the worry out making sure your home is ready for each showing. When you call, we will come in and perform a customized "Show Clean" with as little as 20 hours notice.**

There will be a pre-approved plan that the housewife we send out follows to ensure that everything is cleaned and picked up the way you want it done, without you lifting a finger.

Sound good? It gets BETTER...

The best part of this service is that after the first payment, you don't have to pay us each time we come out. In fact, if your house sells in the first six months of using our service, the amount not prepaid isn't due until you close on the sale of your house.

We're not just helping keep your house clean, we are helping you invest in a faster, more profitable sale!

We can also schedule someone to come in between you moving out and someone new moving in, so there is no more worry about how you are leaving the house for the new owner.

Our services could actually be a selling point on your home... potential buyers know that you are keeping the home maintained and that they will be able to move in without needing to do cleaning.

Below is our pricing schedule. The different categories make our program flexible to fix your needs.


Deep Clean: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0.20/sq ft

Show Clean: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0.09/sq ft

Show Clean (unoccupied): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0.07/sq ft

Show Clean (less than 20 hrs notice) . . . . . . . . . $25 add'l

Show Clean (high demand days) . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50 add'l***

Post Move Out Clean (add-on) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0.10/sq ft

Post Move Out Clean (separately) . . . . . . . . . . . $0.18/sq ft

Appliances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $25-50 add'l each

Square footage is typically determined by the listed number of livable sq ft in the house's reality listing. Changes may be made if additional areas need to be cleaned or if there are areas that do not need service.

We are unable to clean areas or fixtures that are not temperature controlled in extreme weather. This may include garages, outbuildings, passages between buildings, and windows.


Deep Clean costs + 40% due at time of Deep Clean service. No other payments until closing or for 6 months, whichever comes first. After 6 months, an additional deep clean and a payment towards the balance due may be required.

Contract required.

*This excludes walls that need more than dusting and/or spot scrubbing and carpet that needs more than a vacuum.

**Cleaning with less notice may be available for an additional charge, but we cannot guarantee availability.

***High demand days outlined in contract. Usually 2-3 days before and after major holidays.

If you are interested in this program, please fill out this form and we will contact you soon!
Ready to Show Ready to Sell

Three steps to more housework help and less stress

I'm going to share a secret with you today.

I don't know why it is a secret... but it seems to be.

Are you tired of never having anyone want to help you with the housework?

Are you frustrated with the lack of attention to detail your family members have when they do help?

I know all too well that feeling I get in the pit of my stomach when I see a child of mine folding towels. It seems very similar to the feeling a friend of mine gets when she sees her husband loading the dishwasher.

We've told them how time and again, and yet they still won't do it right! WHY!?!

There is a solution to this. It's a simple one, although it is more difficult than it sounds.

Are you ready? Here it is...

Step ONE... Stop it.

No, really. That's all. Stop it.

Stop caring how your kids fold the towels. Stop caring how the dishes get loaded into the dishwasher.
Stop griping and mumbling and complaining about how you are the only one who ever does anything the right way at this house.

You have a life, and a busy one at that. There will be time for perfectly folded towels and hand washed dishes when you don't have kids around anymore. Whatever gets done now, however wrong you think it is... is still a blessing to your family!

I Corinthians 13:1 says "If you have all these things, but you have not love, you are only a clanging cymbal."  When you complain, nobody says, "I need to learn how to do this better." They say, "She is so picky. There is no pleasing her, so I'm going to try half as hard next time."

Learning not to care is easier said than done, but it does work. Nobody at my house complains about folding towels anymore... and as they've done it more, they've gotten better at it!

Step TWO... Be appreciative.

Yes, I know it is their house too and they are contributing as part of the team... but appreciation is one of the best forms of encouragement. Whether it be your husband, your child, or a helpful extended family member or friend, say "Thank you!" and mean it!

There are lots of ways to be appreciative. Have you told your husband lately how sexy he looks running the vacuum cleaner? Have you finished a round of chores as a family, looked at the kids and said, "You know what? I think we all deserve some ice cream!" even though they fought you all the way through? Stick to the positive reinforcement. It makes a difference!

Step THREE... Call us.

Oh, come on... you had to know that one was coming, right? If the first two don't work for you, the last one will absolutely do the trick. Hire A Housewife is here to do all the things you want done and want done correctly. That might mean dusting and vacuuming or it might mean laundry or dishes. Maybe you'll want someone to sweep out the garage or get dinner started one night a week. Or, maybe, you crave streak-free windows... Whatever it is, we'll handle it.

If we don't hear from you, we'll assume the first two worked. :-)

#41Strong Interview & Artwork

For those who haven't heard of #41Strong, it is a weekly radio show on Peoria Life Radio, hosted by RockChurch's Pastor, Chuck Tate. Every week he shares encouraging stories and scriptures to help listeners get through whatever they are going through right now.

Last week, he interviewed me. We talked about the beginnings of Hire A Housewife and what advice I can give others who are struggling through situations.

You can check it out here...

We are also blessed to have another creative brain at Hire A Housework... you'll see some of his work in the coming days and weeks on our page. Or, you can go to his page and see it now!

Looking for a graphic designer for your business? 

Good people know good people

To me, the most important aspect of our service, is that customers enjoy a consistent, high-quality experience. We strive to provide consistent, high-quality work, by the same housewife at each visit.
Unfortunately, finding high-quality employees who are able to provide that experience is not easy!

In the past, as one employee has gone, I've used a variety of sources to quickly find, hire, and train someone else to try to avoid an interruption in service to any client. This has led to problems with quality as well as longevity of employment. When I put someone in the field who just isn't ready, they often don't last more than two months.

At this time, all of our housewives are fantastic. We just don't have enough of them to cover our current list of clients. I have been working to fix this problem, trying to avoid issues I've had in the past.

While brainstorming with fellow business owners recently, we were discussing the best ways to find good employees when someone said, "Good people know good people." 

She was totally right! And, when I think of good people, who are some of the first ones that come to mind? You! Our clients are undoubtedly some of the best people I've ever met! Besides that, you know exactly what kind of people we are looking for... because you know who you would trust in your home.

How can you make this knowledge work for you? 
Keep reading!

I would like to propose an incentive for those of you who think you know someone who would be a great fit for Hire A Housewife...

Anyone who submits the name of a person who applies and is hired by Hire A Housewife, will be be credited with 10 hours of free housekeeping when the employee reaches their 6 month anniversary. 

*Just a side note: It is against our policy to have friends and family members clean each other's homes. So the person you refer would not provide you services.

In the mean time, while I am working to find, hire, and train the right good people for Hire A Housewife, new clients and some current clients will be placed on our waiting list. 
We would rather ask you to wait for service and risk losing you, than providing you with sub-par service and lose you for sure, with good reason.

I am posting our current employment ad below. 

Hire A Housewife is hiring again for the Greater Peoria Area!
You must:
Have general knowledge of how to clean prior to training
Have a good attitude 
Have a clean criminal record
Have your own vehicle
Have the ability to check your email regularly
Have the ability to follow directions
Pay attention to details
Intend to stay for an extended period of time.
We offer:
15 to 35 hours per week
Monday - Friday, between 7am and 5pm
Flexible scheduling
$10 per hour to start, before tips and incentive programs
Performance-based raises
You choose your own service area
Learn more about us at our website before you apply or interview:
To apply: Send a resume and cover letter to [email protected]
No phone calls please.

Why Choose Us?

There are a lot of cleaning services out there these days who want to help you out! 
Why should you choose ours?

Many people have started using Hire A Housewife because they heard the story of how we got started and they were moved by it. I so appreciate that and I look forward to continuing to share my story and everything else that God has done since!

However, I want you to STAY because you love the service!
(And if you don't love it, let us know right away so we can fix it!)

Hire A Housewife Benefits:
  • No judgement or guilt! We just want to help!
    • You NEVER have to worry that we will judge you based on what we see. We appreciate that you trust us enough to let us into your home to help.
    • We value you as a person. You aren’t just another client to us. We care about your family and how we can help you!
  • The same “housewife” each visit
    • One of the ways we make sure you are satisfied with our work is sending out the same employee each time. As she gets to know you and what you need, it will be a continually improving experience.
  • Flexible scheduling without a contract.
    • While we do have a standard cancellation policy, we never lock anyone into a contract. We want you to keep us coming back because you love the service!
  • Insured and Bonded
    • The risks of hiring someone who is uninsured are huge to you. Our employees are covered by a workman’s comp policy in case they are injured on the job. Anyone not covered by such a policy can sure your homeowner’s insurance if they are injured while working at your house.
    • Our liability policy covers items that are damaged by an employee’s carelessness. We hope to never have to use the policy, but isn’t it good to know it is there if something were to get broken?
  • Wide range of services
    • We don’t just clean, we will organize, do laundry, run errands, wash windows, walk the dog, clean the fridge… you name it!
    • You provide needed supplies and we do the work!
    • We do not give you a list of things we WON'T do! Just give us your list and let us get to work!
  • Great staff who care about YOU!
    • Everyone who works for Hire A Housewife undergoes a background check to ensure your safety and to let you know that we are trustworthy!
    • All housewives receive complete training. We want all of our employees to be able to give the same great service that was being given when it was just a company of one.

Thanks for taking the time to read! Please share it with your friends who are considering hiring help!

Have a blessed day!

(P.S. And YES! an update on the girls' room is coming!)

Giveaway Instructions (Ends 10/30!)

Good Afternoon!

I'm incredibly excited by the response we've received for this giveaway so far. Thank you for your enthusiasm!

There has been some confusion on HOW to enter the giveaway for one month of free housekeeping. I wanted to write a quick post and make sure everyone had the chance to get in on the drawing!

To make sure you are entered for the grand prize:

     Click on this link... 
Win One Month of Free Housekeeping!

That link will take you to a form that looks like this:

Fill it out and hit SUBMIT at the bottom!

That's it! You're in!

To make sure you are entered for second prize:

     Share that link with your friends and ask them to enter your name in the box that asks how       they heard about the contest!
That box will look like this:

It's that easy!

Ways to share...

     *Share a post from Hire A Housewife on your wall
     *Invite your friends to the Facebook Event : CLICK HERE
     *Email the link to your friends who might want to join. 
          They do not have to be on Facebook!
Note: Sharing does NOT enter you in the giveaway. You MUST fill out the form!

Thank you and have a blessed day!

Working with Hire A Housewife

Hire A Housewife is growing and we need more help!

Please check out our website, Facebook page, and blog to learn more about us and decide if you might want to be a part of our team!

It would especially be a good idea to read this blog post:  Avoidable Mistakes Job Seekers Make

You Must:

Have your own vehicle
Have a friendly, positive attitude
Have a professional appearance
Enjoy making other people happy
Be prompt and dependable
Have a clean criminal record
Pay attention to details
Clean well!


Enjoy the freedom of being an Independent Contractor
Set your own schedule
Set your own service area
Paid training
$10 per hour
Tips possible, although not guaranteed.

Check us out at

Interested? Please email us with a resume and a cover letter. Please tell us why you think you would make a great team member for Hire A Housewife!

Our email address is [email protected]

I look forward to hearing from you!

Run Your Own Business? 5 Reasons You Should Call Hire A Housewife!

While it goes without saying that everyone would love to have a little more JOY in their lives... 

     You can never be too organized. Whether you are completely neat and tidy right down to the last labeled tote or you have an "I know where it is, I just have to find it" kind of system... having an outside eye come in and show you what you could be doing better it always going to be helpful. Sometimes letting someone else deal with it for you for a couple of hours gives you the break you need to re-energize!

We Can Be Tax Deductible
     That's right. Having someone come in and clean your home before your Mary Kay or Tupperware party or reorganize your office can be written off at the end of the year as a business expense. Who couldn't use a bit of a tax break coupled with the calm and focus that come with a clean and organized workspace!
     This doesn't just apply to an actual office either. We organize inventory, run errands, or... if you are really just too dedicated to your work to get to it yourself, we will even organize your Pinterest boards... I don't think that one is tax deductible though. ;-)

Small Businesses Help Each Other
     Hire A Housewife's growth over the last few months has completely surprised me... but it hasn't surprised God a bit. He knew how excited people would be about a company who wants to bring JOY into the lives of people every day! One of the things we will have very soon (Hopefully in August) is a company newsletter. Full of positive, uplifting information and tips, there will also be some space for advertising. I am excited to be able to offer these spaces to those who also support Hire A Housewife through using our services first!
     Small business promotion is a side project of mine. Sometimes I just donate my services to failing businesses in an effort to help get them on the right track. I have a lot of great ideas for small business promotion and cross promotion between businesses. Even if you aren't a current customer, stay connected with us to make sure you know when opportunities arise... they will!

     In business and in life, it is often said that success is "all about who you know." The more connections you have, the more potential you have to reach future customers. For me, I know that the most important "Who I know" is Jesus... and the ways that God has constantly and consistently put all of us in the lives of others at just the right time for one reason or another has been mind-blowing. Whether you are a Christian business owner who is relying on God to make those connections for you, or you would like to know some business owners who are... this is a connection you need! 

You Need Us!
     We know better than anyone how difficult running your own business can be! Never-ending to-do lists, long hours, meals on the go... give us a chance to bring JOY into your daily life and your business! This isn't just about the physical work that needs done, but it's also the positive attitude and and extension of grace that we bring with us.

Give us a try... you won't be disappointed!