
Market your products AND keep your followers

Being an entrepreneur isn't easy.

Putting your livelihood on the line to do something you believe in can be scary.

If you found a product or service you are passionate about and are willing and able to do that, I applaud you!

But if you are doing this and are frustrated by your results, there's a good chance the people who are (or were) following you on social media are frustrated as well.

While this applies to many types of sales, it is especially true with Multi Level Marketing opportunities.

This isn't meant to point fingers at any one company or person. I see it every day. From many, many companies and many friends and not-yet friends both... and I have some friends who do what they do VERY WELL!

But so often I hear a sales pitch or see a post and cringe, saying nothing. Really though, I want you to succeed... and how are you going to do that if nobody tells you that there are better ways to market your products?

I'll admit. I'm no expert. Not all of my marketing ideas work... but one thing I do know is that you can always learn something new! And, the more you are willing to learn, the more successful you will be.

Here are some common ways to lose followers...
  • If you add me as a friend and immediately start trying to sell to me
  • If your posts are almost exactly the same as the posts of someone else in my friends list who sells the same thing
  • If you serial post (filling my feed with your posts)
  • If I answer a question on a seemly non-related topic and you follow up with a sales pitch

Most people know more than one entrepreneur who is selling the same product, so not only is it important to not get "unfollowed," but it's also important to set yourself apart in some way!

Here are a few ways you can do that...
  • We need to see your product in action daily in your own life, not attached to a sales pitch.
  • Be passionate about the product, not just the opportunity. Focus on selling the product and people who love the product will want to sell too.
  • Tell the stories of others who have used your products and services without attaching a sales pitch.
  • Be real. We won't believe that your product has fixed every aspect of your life. Tell us about your struggles as well as your wins!
  • Just build relationships with us and let us choose to try your products when we are ready.
  • Be generous. People want to do business with businesses who give back!
Above all, keep learning! It's okay to not know it all!

I often learn from the weekly podcasts from Entreleadership. In fact, I was re-listening to some older ones and was inspired to write this post because of one that I heard yesterday. If you sell anything... you need to listen to the first 20 minutes of this podcast. The rest is really good, but the first 20 minutes talks about so many of the mistakes being made in social media marketing today and what to do instead.

Listen to this podcast to learn... How to Market Without Everyone Hating You

I Believe in Peoria

As the area received news this week that Caterpillar is moving their corporate headquarters out of Peoria, the anger and frustration was palpable. I'll admit, even I groaned at the thought of Peoria losing 300 of it's most highly paid workers. 

Then I remembered... so what?
CAT isn't my provider. It isn't yours either (and never was).

God doesn't need CAT to prosper us... just because that's one of the resources He's used so far, that doesn't mean we can't live without it. Peoria doesn't have to be the next Detroit.

This morning I represented Hire A Housewife in a room filled with 30 successful small business owners as part of I've Decided ( We sat in a huge circle and talked about who we are and what we do before discussing what we are doing to be community difference makers. And that's when I realized what people in Peoria and surrounding areas need to see. Part of the reason Peoria will succeed is sitting right here in this room with me! We are Peoria.

Individually, we are the small business owners who pour our blood, sweat, and tears into our ventures, often putting our core values ahead of our bottom line because we want to make a difference. We have vision, passion, and are constantly striving for excellence in what we do... not just to be the best small business, but in order to be here for our clients and our community for a very long time.

Together, we are the small business community, a tightly woven network of dedicated entrepreneurs and business owners who work together, building each other up and holding each other accountable, as well as teaching and learning from one another, creating an unbreakable foundation of support for this area.

The astounding thing is that these 30 people from I've Decided are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the amazing framework of business and leadership we have in Peoria. There are so many other great individuals, businesses, and networks intent on improving and sustaining Peoria for the future.

Remember, I said they are part of the reason that Peoria will thrive. Peoria is more than just them. And, while it is true that we also have our government, our leaders, and our other corporate entities, they are not all that make up Peoria either. I'm talking about you.

You are Peoria. 

It doesn't matter where you live in the Greater Peoria Area. It doesn't matter what you do for a living. It doesn't matter what your political or religious beliefs are.

You are Peoria.

I know what you are thinking...

"But I'm just one person. How can I help keep Peoria alive?"

First, when someone says something about the death of Peoria to you... you can speak life! Know that it doesn't have to be that way. Know that there is a foundation of entrepreneurship and small business in Peoria that is still strong. Remind them of that. We have the power of life and death in our tongues! Choose your words wisely.

Second, support Peoria purposefully. If you believe in Peoria and the surrounding communities, spend your money here! Amazon may be quick and easy, but it doesn't employ your next door neighbor. Netflix doesn't send volunteers to your child's school. VistaPrint didn't donate to your friend's fundraiser last year.

Third, refuse to be a victim. Stop focusing on what has been done to you and what might happen in the future. Focus on what you can do today to make life better... for you and for the rest of Peoria. When you accept that you have the ability to create change, you open up a whole new world to yourself.

We have the ability to dust ourselves off and keep moving forward, despite the naysayers.

So, what am I saying when I say that I believe in Peoria?

I'm saying you are Peoria.

I'm saying I believe in YOU.

Peoria, you can do this.


Death and life are in the power of the tongue.
Proverbs 18:21

Seminar on Breaking Through Barriers

Many of you have read the post from my personal blog about how God showed me my worth and healed me of codependency earlier this year. If you haven't, you can see it here:

In the post I mention that I went to see a professional for help, and that is where the breakthrough occurred. I left the word "professional" in the post as I wanted others who needed help to reach out in their own way, whether that be a doctor, a counselor, a pastor, etc. I purposely left that open to interpretation.

However, I do want to introduce you to the professional that I used, who I believe can help anyone achieve big breakthroughs in a short amount of time.

Daryl Carlson is a Meta Coach here in Peoria, IL. In his video here, he explains exactly how Meta-Coaching works and what he can do for you.

Self Leadership enhanced by Meta-Coaching
Learn more at my website
Posted by Your Brain Unlimited on Friday, February 13, 2015

If you think what he is saying sounds interesting and you are interested in learning more about him and what he does, I want to invite you to attend his seminar on August 4th on Leading Yourself Through Change: Busting Through Barriers. The cost is $29, and very worth your time!

If you can not make the seminar, I would like to encourage you to take advantage of Daryl's offer for a no obligation, free first session. Check out his website!

I want to add that this post and endorsement of Daryl and Your Brain Unlimited was not solicited in any way. I very much believe in what he does and saw a huge and exciting change in my own life after only a couple of sessions.

Don't let the term "leader" make you shy away. Being a good self-leader, will help your succeed in life, whether you ever want to lead others or not.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Have a blessed day!

Exciting News!

Mission Main Street Grants

We have exciting news!

Hire A Housewife is currently in the running for a $100,000 grant from Chase Mission Main Street Grants... but we need your help!

To get to the next level in the competition, we need at least 250 people to click through the banner below and vote for us! It takes about 10 seconds and could make a huge difference in the future for Hire A Housewife and for our employees.

What would we do with $100,000?
Here are a few things...
  • Trademark our name and logo
  • Obtain the website we want (
  • Hire an accountant to help us ensure our finances are being handled correctly
  • Implement a more comprehensive training program to continue to ensure our customers receive the best service
  • Expand to Galesburg and Henry, with the possibility of expanding to Bloomington soon.
  • Begin steps towards franchising
  • Update our office equipment
I want to continue to not only provide great service to all of our customers, but to also change lives of our employees for the better. We offer fair wages, flexible schedules, and a supportive work environment for people who need it most. 

I know that nobody who works for Hire A Housewife intends to work with us forever. I care about the dreams of my employees and want to help give them a solid stepping stone to the next phase of their life... leaving a little closer to living their dreams.

Please help us do that by clicking the banner above or below!

Thank you and have a blessed day!

Mission Main Street Grants

I've Decided

How often do we decide to start something, make a positive change in our lives and then fall flat after a few months, weeks, days…? If we’re talking about a diet, for me, it could be just hours!

There is a new organization in Peoria called “I’ve Decided” that was created to help people not only choose to make their lives better, but also to link them up with motivation and support partners who can keep them on track. While I thought that this was a fabulous idea from the first time I heard about it, there was a moment when I knew that there was definitely a place for Hire A Housewife within I’ve Decided.

With I’ve Decided, people who have decided to run their first 5k can link up with Running Central and not only receive information about training and running, but also actually run their first 5k this summer… in a race that is ONLY for first time runners!

Have you decided to take control of your finances? I’ve Decided not only provides motivation and support, but they can connect you with professionals like Vickie Streitmatter from Empowered Financial Living, who can help you create a budget you can live with.

Those who have decided to take control of your home, through cleaning, decluttering, and organizing can be partnered with Hire A Housewife to not only help keep you motivated, but also to help give you the skills and/or extra hands you need to make it happen. We want you to succeed!

CEO, Kim Martin and I were talking about partnering a couple of weeks ago when she asked me if I would be willing to speak to people about my story. Of course I said yes! We started talking about motivation and why we do what we do and she mentioned using “I’ve decided…” when I spoke at her event. She said, “Something like, I decided to start my own business…” and I my heart jumped a little.
I like Kim so much and was excited about the opportunity, but I had to make sure we were on the same page. I told her that I have to give credit where credit is due and that I never really decided to start a business. I decided to do my best to live a life that honors God, and He has taken care of everything else. I waited for almost no time at all, although it seemed like forever before she spoke.

Her reaction was a huge smile and a “That’s perfect!” That’s when I was sure I was supposed to be part of I’ve Decided!

Starting Monday you will begin seeing commercials on TV for I’ve Decided and their motivational conference being held at the Civic Center in January. Check out the website for more information. It is going to be a great experience for all involved!

So, tell me… what changes are you wanting to make in your life? What do you want to be able to stand up and say “I’ve decided” about? Want to get in better shape? Want to spend more time with your children? Want to rejuvenate your marriage? Want to organize your home?
New Year’s resolution time is coming… and the conference is right after! But, you don’t have to wait until the first of the year! Tell me, what will you decide?

Learning Experience

People often ask, "How long have you been in business?"

My standard answer is May, 2012. I'm also quick to point out that I didn't know I was starting a business at that point. I was almost an entire year in before I realized what God had created. In these last 26 months, I have learned more than I ever imagined and I am so thankful for all that God has done. As with any learning experience, knowledge brings some changes. While there are many in the future, here are a few that are happening right now.

HaH Rates
I'm going to be honest here (as I always am!) and share that I have now learned how expensive it is to have employees! Besides the cost of their salaries and the employer taxes associated with them, my employees are covered with General Liability insurance, Bonding insurance, Unemployment insurance, and Workers' Comp insurance.

Because of these things, new customers will be charged $18per hour beginning August 1st, 2014. If you are already a regular customer at that point, we will continue to serve you at our current rate for now, and that won't change in the future without 30 days' written notice.

Employees and Training
Another thing I've learned about having employees is that I can't make all of them care about the business as much as I do. I tell them all at interviews that if they are only in this for the paycheck, they will probably not last very long at this job. You have to love serving others.

I have made several personnel changes and am in the midst of revamping our training processes yet again. It is important to me that all of our customers are more than satisfied with the service they receive from Hire A Housewife.

Answering Your Questions
What else have I learned? Personally, I have learned how much I love connecting with people. I love being able to help others on many levels. One way I'd like to be able to do more of that is through the Hire A Housewife blog posts. 

As I've said before, like any good housewife I have an opinion on just about everything.... I'd like to share it with you if you are interested in hearing it.

So, I want to know what you want to know! Give me something to post about! Have a question about gardening, cleaning, or organizing? Just ask! Maybe you want a recommendation for a good Bible study or have a question about raising children, or even owning a business... Send your question through the "CONTACT US" form on our website or through Facebook. 

If you are wondering something, then there is a pretty good chance that someone else is wondering too!

Have a blessed day and I look forward to hearing from you!

Working with Hire A Housewife

Hire A Housewife is growing and we need more help!

Please check out our website, Facebook page, and blog to learn more about us and decide if you might want to be a part of our team!

It would especially be a good idea to read this blog post:  Avoidable Mistakes Job Seekers Make

You Must:

Have your own vehicle
Have a friendly, positive attitude
Have a professional appearance
Enjoy making other people happy
Be prompt and dependable
Have a clean criminal record
Pay attention to details
Clean well!


Enjoy the freedom of being an Independent Contractor
Set your own schedule
Set your own service area
Paid training
$10 per hour
Tips possible, although not guaranteed.

Check us out at

Interested? Please email us with a resume and a cover letter. Please tell us why you think you would make a great team member for Hire A Housewife!

Our email address is [email protected]

I look forward to hearing from you!

I had a wonderful lunch today...

Today I met Doris Symonds, a successful businesswoman from Peoria, for lunch. We ate and discussed our pasts and our futures. We came up with some plans for collaboration on a project. She gave me some great advice for expanding Hire A Housewife as well as moving into the next level that God has planned for me personally... public speaking, finishing my book, and so much more...

We had not been sitting long when she said to me something I have heard over and over in the last several weeks from many different places... "You have it in you already."

I have been reading these books... 

ever since I heard from and met the author...

at the Women of Faith conference last month.

Her book is where this picture came from...

So, I can say that I have been a bit hard-headed in the past. I'm sure there have been times when God has done a major face-palm when He's sent me a message that I've wavered about. I've felt the uneasiness in the pit of my stomach when I've made a decision without praying through it first and God has said, "Oh, so you want to do this the hard way... no problem."  But, in this particular case, I am pretty sure that God really is trying to tell me something. Maybe I already have everything in me that I need to do what He has planned...? 

Any thoughts? I'm probably correct on this one, right? Do I need MORE confirmation? lol

Some of you might need to remind me of this though, 
next time I start to worry that I am in over my head!

On a side note, the food at Sazani's Steak and Pasta House on Galena Rd in Peoria is FABULOUS.
I had the Sazani Salad with Salmon and the Minestrone ($6.95 lunch special) and while we were not in a hurry today, I did notice in their menu that they guarantee that your lunch will be on your table in 15 minutes or they will pay for your entree.

In case you don't want to take my word for it, you can also find a review here. I will definitely be going back!

Run Your Own Business? 5 Reasons You Should Call Hire A Housewife!

While it goes without saying that everyone would love to have a little more JOY in their lives... 

     You can never be too organized. Whether you are completely neat and tidy right down to the last labeled tote or you have an "I know where it is, I just have to find it" kind of system... having an outside eye come in and show you what you could be doing better it always going to be helpful. Sometimes letting someone else deal with it for you for a couple of hours gives you the break you need to re-energize!

We Can Be Tax Deductible
     That's right. Having someone come in and clean your home before your Mary Kay or Tupperware party or reorganize your office can be written off at the end of the year as a business expense. Who couldn't use a bit of a tax break coupled with the calm and focus that come with a clean and organized workspace!
     This doesn't just apply to an actual office either. We organize inventory, run errands, or... if you are really just too dedicated to your work to get to it yourself, we will even organize your Pinterest boards... I don't think that one is tax deductible though. ;-)

Small Businesses Help Each Other
     Hire A Housewife's growth over the last few months has completely surprised me... but it hasn't surprised God a bit. He knew how excited people would be about a company who wants to bring JOY into the lives of people every day! One of the things we will have very soon (Hopefully in August) is a company newsletter. Full of positive, uplifting information and tips, there will also be some space for advertising. I am excited to be able to offer these spaces to those who also support Hire A Housewife through using our services first!
     Small business promotion is a side project of mine. Sometimes I just donate my services to failing businesses in an effort to help get them on the right track. I have a lot of great ideas for small business promotion and cross promotion between businesses. Even if you aren't a current customer, stay connected with us to make sure you know when opportunities arise... they will!

     In business and in life, it is often said that success is "all about who you know." The more connections you have, the more potential you have to reach future customers. For me, I know that the most important "Who I know" is Jesus... and the ways that God has constantly and consistently put all of us in the lives of others at just the right time for one reason or another has been mind-blowing. Whether you are a Christian business owner who is relying on God to make those connections for you, or you would like to know some business owners who are... this is a connection you need! 

You Need Us!
     We know better than anyone how difficult running your own business can be! Never-ending to-do lists, long hours, meals on the go... give us a chance to bring JOY into your daily life and your business! This isn't just about the physical work that needs done, but it's also the positive attitude and and extension of grace that we bring with us.

Give us a try... you won't be disappointed!