I am human

Dear Angry Driver

I've made jokes about my own road rage (aka road mild-moderate irritation) recently on my personal FB page. Because it happens while driving, I don't usually have the opportunity to hear what the other driver has to say about any incident. But today I was the other driver. I know the person I encountered probably won't read this... but maybe someone else can take something away from this like I hope to.

Dear Angry Driver,

I don't know what I did in that brief moment that I was distracted by my child, but it must have been big to warrant you following me into the bank parking lot and parking right at my back bumper. For you to have been angry enough to want to confront me, even though you had children in your own car, I must have almost caused a massive accident.

So, just so you know, I'm really sorry. I don't even know what I did. I heard a horn honk, but it didn't register that it might be for me until I saw you on my rear bumper long after the intersection. It really didn't sink in until you peeled out from behind me and sped out of the parking lot once you realized I was headed for the ATM and not getting out of my car.

In any case, you're right. I shouldn't have been distracted and no amount of excuses would have helped had I caused an accident.

Also, I want to say thank you. Thank you for doing a better job of paying attention in that moment than I was, and for doing whatever you had to do to avoid an accident. Thank you for your watchful eyes and evasive maneuvers. I have to believe you likely saved us both a lot of pain and heartache. That is the blessing that I choose to take away from this incident.

Because my business sign is on the side of my car, I was expecting an angry email when I got home. Since I didn't have one, I wanted to reach out first. I hope you believe that my apology and thanks are both sincere.

In closing, I would like to ask you one thing if I may. Next time someone makes you angry while driving, please hear my sincere and heartfelt apology in your head and pretend it is them saying it. Next time I'm in your position, that's what I am going to do. I'm going to attempt to take a deep breath and let it go while being thankful for what didn't happen.

I'm glad this ended well today and I pray you have a blessed and relaxing evening.


Kindall Nelson
Owner, Hire A Housewife

Promise after promise

Many of you know the story of how God started this business. 

While Hire A Housewife has done much better than expected considering I have never run a business before, overcoming my personal past has been quite a struggle. Hopefully, it is a struggle that others can find encouragement in. 

In that hope, I've decided to share my personal blog with my Hire A Housewife fans as well. I've had good days and bad, and if you've not read it before you might be surprised by some of the things I say.

I started this blog as a way to hold myself accountable for my choices and promises to others and to God. I am real. I am honest. Sometimes I am confused beyond belief, but that's human... and I am definitely that.

I did not become homeless just under three years ago by living right or making Godly choices. Some of those choices I made were based on wrong beliefs I had about others and myself. 

With some of those choices I caused myself deep wounds, some that are still healing.

God is still working on me, but I am excited by all He is doing. So, if you feel inclined to share in my personal journey as well, I'd like to invite you to check out and subscribe to my blog here:

Like I said, I am excited by all that God is doing and I want to be able to share with all of you in the coming weeks. 

Have a blessed day!

Tackling the girls' room (Days 1 & 2)

When the girls came home from their dad's house, I put them to work cleaning the floor and warned them not to touch anything else... They complied. Everything was sorted into bags and boxes like I asked.

The next step was cleaning out their dressers and shelves. They got part way through on the first night, but I soon discovered the drawers on the short dresser were full of junk. Ella's answer, "I don't want to keep clothes in my dresser." (Nice try.)

By late afternoon on Day 2 (after school Tuesday) they had almost finished cleaning out the dressers and shelves.

However, I had a meeting from 6:30-8:30 on Tuesday evening and I came home to find they had jumped ahead a few steps in the process. They were going through all of the boxes that I told them not to touch without my permission.

They put most of it back, but the stacks themselves are much less organized now.
I also found a Build-A-Bear rescue had been initiated, their newest stuffed animals pulled from the garbage bags, now laying on the bed.

So what is the next step?

One bag/box/tote at a time everything from their floor is being washed, dried and put in the living room on the couch. I don't want any mass decisions made about anything. We will touch each piece of clothing and decide if it is a keep, donate, or trash item... as well as who it belongs to. You wouldn't believe how many times I said to myself when I was picking up the clothes originally, "Hey! I wondered were that shirt went..."

We probably have 4 or 5 loads to go today... and there is household laundry mixed up in this... but before I let them touch anything else on the broken bunk bed, we will decide where every piece of clothing goes. I have a feeling that will be a battle in itself. I have yard waste bags waiting to be filled to be dropped off at Mission Mart.

Even for 5 people, we have a lot of clothes to go through.

This might take awhile... 

Learning Experience

People often ask, "How long have you been in business?"

My standard answer is May, 2012. I'm also quick to point out that I didn't know I was starting a business at that point. I was almost an entire year in before I realized what God had created. In these last 26 months, I have learned more than I ever imagined and I am so thankful for all that God has done. As with any learning experience, knowledge brings some changes. While there are many in the future, here are a few that are happening right now.

HaH Rates
I'm going to be honest here (as I always am!) and share that I have now learned how expensive it is to have employees! Besides the cost of their salaries and the employer taxes associated with them, my employees are covered with General Liability insurance, Bonding insurance, Unemployment insurance, and Workers' Comp insurance.

Because of these things, new customers will be charged $18per hour beginning August 1st, 2014. If you are already a regular customer at that point, we will continue to serve you at our current rate for now, and that won't change in the future without 30 days' written notice.

Employees and Training
Another thing I've learned about having employees is that I can't make all of them care about the business as much as I do. I tell them all at interviews that if they are only in this for the paycheck, they will probably not last very long at this job. You have to love serving others.

I have made several personnel changes and am in the midst of revamping our training processes yet again. It is important to me that all of our customers are more than satisfied with the service they receive from Hire A Housewife.

Answering Your Questions
What else have I learned? Personally, I have learned how much I love connecting with people. I love being able to help others on many levels. One way I'd like to be able to do more of that is through the Hire A Housewife blog posts. 

As I've said before, like any good housewife I have an opinion on just about everything.... I'd like to share it with you if you are interested in hearing it.

So, I want to know what you want to know! Give me something to post about! Have a question about gardening, cleaning, or organizing? Just ask! Maybe you want a recommendation for a good Bible study or have a question about raising children, or even owning a business... Send your question through the "CONTACT US" form on our website or through Facebook. 

If you are wondering something, then there is a pretty good chance that someone else is wondering too!

Have a blessed day and I look forward to hearing from you!

The words don't matter

I do some of my best praying while I'm scrubbing a floor on my hands and knees. Prayer doesn't just make the time go faster, it gives me an even more precise sense of purpose for the task at hand. I'm not just scrubbing a floor, I'm asking God to be present, however He is needed, in that home.

I encourage all of my employees to pray for each of the families they serve. My hope is that, if and when they do so, they will be blessed by what happens in their lives as well as the lives of the families they serve.

If I have cleaned your house, I have prayed for you.

One day this week though, my prayers for one client didn't go as usual...

She greeted me with a teary smile. She had a scary newly diagnosed health problem with no answers yet. Just waiting. A little teary myself, I gave her a hug and told her I would be praying for her... and went about my routine.

As I scrubbed the kitchen floor and started praying, I knew I hadn't quite said what I was supposed to. I wasn't supposed to pray for her. She needed someone to pray WITH her. I continued to clean and pray, all the while thinking, maybe I could come up with something else. Surely I can't just come out and ask her if I can pray for her... and do it... right there in the living room. What if she says no? Maybe I'll send her a card... or just give her an extra hug on the way out.

To be honest, I wasn't worried that she would be offended. I knew she wouldn't say no. Which means I would have to pray for her, out loud, where I could be heard, and where she might hear me stumble over my words, misquote a Biblical reference, say the wrong thing, mostly just mess it up...

As I was getting ready to leave she again brought up her fear of what might happen... and I knew I had to.

The prayer wasn't long. I asked for peace and healing for her and knowledge for the doctors and thanked Him for being in control of the situation even when it seems like nobody is. Then I gave her one more hug, and I left for my next house.

I always have two worries when it comes to praying out loud. First of all is the fear that if someone hears me pray they will hear the mistakes and the stumbles and the way my mind works faster than my mouth and how I confuse myself, forgetting to say things I should and repeating things I've already said. The second fear is just that general fear of unworthiness... who am I to be praying for others?

But as I was driving away, a thought occurred to me. The prayer that had just been said in that house had very little to do with my words... it had very little to do with me at all.

God used me to remind her that she is loved and He is in control.

When it comes to prayer, the way the words came out aren't important. The words themselves are not important. The people are important, those who are willing to do as He asks and those they are ministering to. The obedience is important. The love is important. The faith is important.

And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength. The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.' No other commandment is greater than these.” ~Mark 12:30-31

I ask you again, does God give you the Holy Spirit and work miracles among you because you obey the law? Of course not! It is because you believe the message you heard about Christ. ~Galatians 3:5

~Mark Batterson

I had a wonderful lunch today...

Today I met Doris Symonds, a successful businesswoman from Peoria, for lunch. We ate and discussed our pasts and our futures. We came up with some plans for collaboration on a project. She gave me some great advice for expanding Hire A Housewife as well as moving into the next level that God has planned for me personally... public speaking, finishing my book, and so much more...

We had not been sitting long when she said to me something I have heard over and over in the last several weeks from many different places... "You have it in you already."

I have been reading these books... 

ever since I heard from and met the author...

at the Women of Faith conference last month.

Her book is where this picture came from...

So, I can say that I have been a bit hard-headed in the past. I'm sure there have been times when God has done a major face-palm when He's sent me a message that I've wavered about. I've felt the uneasiness in the pit of my stomach when I've made a decision without praying through it first and God has said, "Oh, so you want to do this the hard way... no problem."  But, in this particular case, I am pretty sure that God really is trying to tell me something. Maybe I already have everything in me that I need to do what He has planned...? 

Any thoughts? I'm probably correct on this one, right? Do I need MORE confirmation? lol

Some of you might need to remind me of this though, 
next time I start to worry that I am in over my head!

On a side note, the food at Sazani's Steak and Pasta House on Galena Rd in Peoria is FABULOUS.
I had the Sazani Salad with Salmon and the Minestrone ($6.95 lunch special) and while we were not in a hurry today, I did notice in their menu that they guarantee that your lunch will be on your table in 15 minutes or they will pay for your entree.

In case you don't want to take my word for it, you can also find a review here. I will definitely be going back!

I am in my 40...

No, I'm not in my 40's... lol. I have several years before that! This is a different 40.

Ever since I heard a sermon about Jesus' temptation during his 40 days of fasting, I have been thinking about how I am in my 40...

Jesus fasted for 40 days, the Hebrews wandered the desert for 40 years, Noah's family watched it rain for 40 days... Each case was something that was for a reason and, in the end, brought growth to those who experienced it.

This morning I woke up to a devotional in my email that brought me tears.

41 will come.

Jesus' fasting and temptation ended on day 41. Goliath was struck down by David on day 41. The rain stopped falling on the Ark on day 41. The Hebrews entered the promised land in year 41...

I am spending my 40 being faithful. I am spending my 40 learning from my mistakes. I am spending my 40 becoming a better person... the person God intended to me to be. I have been patient. Much like the Hebrews, I know I not only earned my 40 through my own choices... but I need it to strengthen me. I have been rejoicing in my sufferings... thanking God for the thorn in my flesh... because I know that in my weaknesses He is shown to be strong...

But reading this morning... that assurance that it won't last forever... the "you're doing a good job, but don't get discouraged... there is a light a the end of this tunnel" just melted me. I don't know any other way to describe it.

I've been so focused on what I am supposed to learn in my 40. That journey is rough... sometimes exhausting... but I keep going because I know it is what I have to do. Don't misunderstand... God is still doing amazing things for my family and me... but we are still waiting for so many things.

In the midst of all of that... I totally forgot 41 is coming.

I am so excited to hear this sermon series and read the book that is coming from it...

If you live in the area, I encourage you to come check it out..

Most of all, I want to encourage you today the way I was encouraged... YOUR 41 WILL COME TOO!

Listening to God is Difficult

It's funny how we can believe we have heard God's clear and present voice in something... and still have it not work out. You can have the verses and the feelings and the faith to back it up... and yet nothing comes of it. Just a few weeks ago, that's where I was. I knew that the house that I looked at was ours... yet just a couple of days later is was listed as "Sale Pending." I was stumped.

Friends have given me explainations meant to make me feel better about why God didn't give us that house... maybe God has something better in store for us... or maybe He was just showing us what He will do for us in the future. But the truth is, I am not upset about the house. I am upset that I was so focused on what I wanted that I wasn't listening fully.

I could have just pretended that I never wrote that post. People forget. I could have deleted it altogether so nobody could prove I ever wrote it. But, I know that I am not the only one who makes this kind of mistake. Sharing it with you might encourage you the next time you believe for something that isn't to be or it might make you listen more carefully next time you believe you are hearing God's voice.

Once again and still, I am in a place where I need to be listening to His voice.

A week and a half ago a woman turned left in front of me while I was driving down the road and totaled my van. The fact that nobody was injured was a HUGE blessing. Then, the fact that my van's value and the pay-off were close enough to each other that the place I was buying the van from agreed to just "settle" for the amount the insurance company was sending was another huge blessing.

Here I am though, with two days left in a rental-car before I have to give it back and unsure of what I am going to be able to find for us, worried that I'm not listening... and I've shared in the past where not listening got me before!

On top of this, I am hiring again... something that is wonderful, but scary as well because the wrong employee could cause so many problems.

And... I still need God to find us the right place to live.

Not to mention all of those other smaller daily decisions I have make.

This is going to take A LOT of listening... 
The Amplified Bible says: Be careful therefore how you listen. For to him who has [spiritual knowledge] will more be given; and from him who does not have [spiritual knowledge], even what he thinks and guesses and supposes that he has will be taken away. Luke 8:18

This is going to take a lot of CAREFUL listening... not thinking and guessing and supposing.

My prayer tonight is that we all will take time to listen to God this week. Whether He is pointing down a life path, helping us with daily decisions or just simply reminding us how much He loves us. God is so good. He deserves the time it takes to stop and listen, and we all benefit in the process.

I believe that one by one each of these things will be worked out, and worked out for His glory... and when that does happen... I will let you know. :-)